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Our Team

The Florida Ozer Center's dedicated team members are the backbone of our non-profit organization. With everyone bringing their own unique skills to the table, we work tirelessly to provide assistance to those in need. Meet our team below and see how we make a difference in our community.

Mrs. Arielle Teles

Mrs. Ariele Teles is the heart and soul of Gesher. As our director, she leads the way in our mission to make a difference in the community, overseeing our various programs and initiatives to ensure they are all running smoothly and effectively. She brings a wealth of experience and passion to her role, and is deeply committed to improving the lives of those in our community.


Mrs. Tzippy Richmond

Mrs. Tzippy Richmond is an integral part of the Ozer team. As the leader of the Yahalom division, she provides much-needed support and guidance to families of children with special needs. Her knowledge and expertise in this field are unparalleled, and she is dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of these families. We are fortunate to have her as a part of our team at Ozer.


Rabbi Moshe Matz

Rabbi Avrohom Luban

Rabbi Moshe Matz is the Director of Agudath Israel of America Florida Office and has been serving the community for over 20 years.

Rabbi Avrohom Luban is the Associate Director of Agudath Israel of America Florida Office. 

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